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Home FoTn’2013 Tunisia joined the Freedom Online Coalition: Lessons learned!

Tunisia joined the Freedom Online Coalition: Lessons learned!

For more than a decade, Tunisian netizens have faced the worst kind of censorship and monitoring. The dictatorship had even arrested many cyber dissidents who made several important online and offline actions denouncing net censorship, this somehow participated in the fall of the dictatorship, as all the protests were shared on the net and social networks. The revolution came certainly from the streets, but the Internet played a crucial role in its success..

Since then, and despite many difficulties, Tunisians fought against going backward to the dark “Ammar-404” period. On Sept. 7th Tunisia joined the Freedom Online Coalition as the 1st Arab country and the 3rd one in Africa.

Even if Tunisia came a long way in a short term, a lot of work and efforts are still required to safeguard Internet freedom. Tunisia is working on the reform of the Internet policies and regulatory framework. Thus hosting the 3rd edition of the FO Conference is the opportunity for all of the participants, to discuss, share experience and advises about Internet governance standards respecting the Online Freedom of Expression.

Statement of Tunisia Representative for joining the Freedom Online Coalition during the 2nd Conference, Nairobi, September 7th, 2012

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